EUROLAB Open House 2025

Photos @Marion Borriss

You are cordially invited to the EUROLAB Open Day on Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Live-Online and at Tanzfabrik Berlin.


Below is the program:

- 10 to 11 am -

Antja Kennedy (CMA)

Introduction to Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS)


- 11 am to 12 -

Eva Blaschke (CMA)

Exploring the Inner - Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF) as a Basis for Performance


- 12 to 1 pm - LUNCH BREAK    


- 1 to 2 pm -

Antja Kennedy (CMA)

Information about Introductory courses and Certificate Program in LBMS, Q & A


- 2 to 3 pm -

Kathleen Barberio (CLMA)

LBMS and Mask Dance


- 3 to 3:30 pm - COFFEE/TEE BREAK


- 3:30 to 4:30 pm -

Liz Erber (CLMA to be)

Contact Improvisation and LBMS


- 4:30 to 5:30 pm -

Thomas Schallmann (Labanotator)

Tanz-Notations-Archiv / Tanzschreibstube für das selbstständige Lernen der Kinetographie Laban / Labanotation

(in German)


Participation is free of charge and does not require registration. The program is subject to change.


ZOOM link: pwd=O2GFa7MICJs5VeNBb2x8BL5T2I3Hde.1, Meeting-ID: 859 2181 9525, Code: 828712

STUDIO: Tanzfabrik Berlin - Studio 4, Möckernstr. 68, Berlin-Kreuzberg



CMA = Certified Movement Analyst, CLMA = Certified Laban Movement Analyst - both with approx. 560 hrs training

EUROLAB Certificate Program Basic in LBMS with 270 hours training